Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Same Bed, Two Years Apart


  1. He looks like such a sweet baby. And I don't mean "sweet baby" in the Southern sense (as in "I can't think of anything else nice to say about your ugly baby except that he is probably sweet"). He is precious, and I look forward to reading all about him as he grows.

  2. ^ Thanks! On a related note, nothing cracks me up more than a good non-compliment. When I was a theatre major, we had a running joke about things you could say to someone who did a crappy job in an even crappier play, like, (while applauding) "Boy, you were UP THERE on that stage!" or, "Was THAT a performance? I think it was!" I guess the infant equivalent would be something like, "Now THAT is a baby!" or "Oooh... isn't he SOMETHING?"
