Friday, June 7, 2013

There's Happy, Then There's Us

Hey y'all -

Our family seems to be going through a deliriously awesome honeymoon phase. The weather has finally warmed up, and we're spending all of our spare time chasing each other around the yard, blowing bubbles, and doing somersaults.

Some random highlights:

Hagen does actually own a tremendous wardrobe, but he seems happy in inverse proportion to how many clothes he's wearing. The closer he gets to naked, the closer he gets to nirvana.

Dad's softball team is continuing its winning streak, and won this week's game 17-2.

Laney has started dressing herself for school every day, in outfits she has chosen for herself. Sometimes, she puts together an ensemble that's surprisingly stylish - something I never would have thought of that really works. And sometimes she looks like a deranged hobo. But she always stands behind her choice, and I've decided that instilling a sense of confidence in her is more important than a matching outfit. I mean, I assume her teachers know that I'm not the one who put together that fluffy dress/jogging pants/princess jewelry/zebra purse combo. Either that, or they think she's being raised by really permissive drag queens. They're still cashing my tuition checks, so they must not care either way.

I went out with a group of girlfriends last night to the Elks Club to listen to some music, and found myself at a Cold Hard Cash show - they're a Johnny Cash tribute band, and when they started performing, my jaw hit the table. Amazing. (Click here and tell me if they don't sound just like Johnny and the Tennessee Two).

I honestly can't think of anything to complain about (which is death to good blogging and songwriting). Maybe it'll snow again and I'll get my funny blog mojo back. It hailed last week, so it could happen.

Until then, it's all rainbows and unicorns and glitter and bliss. And that's just ONE Laney outfit.


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