Monday, September 9, 2013


Hey y'all -

I am in Vermont for what (oh please oh please oh please) is the last time for this show. I have a cold. I'm so congested, I can't hear out of my right ear. I also have a fever. After a 14-hour shoot day, I got a call from Laney, who wanted to talk about how Hagen broke her very favorite necklace, the one with the purple beads on it, and at the end of her rambling story, I wanted to hug her so much I started crying.

I obviously couldn't have the job I have or do the things I do if I had a less supportive spouse; your dad is the absolute best. In fact, the only good thing about leaving town is getting videos like this e-mailed to me:

'Tis best not to wonder why Laney is taking a bath with her bathing suit on. Whatever negotiations have transpired between Laney and her dad that are keeping this train on its rails are none of my business.

Counting the minutes 'til my return flight...


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