Tuesday, June 14, 2011

News Bulletin

Dear Laney,

You know how we keep asking you if you want a brother or a sister, and you keep saying,"No?"

Well, too bad:

We've known for a while, but didn't want to make an official announcement until I went to my first appointment, which was this morning. I'm almost 3 months along, everything looks great, and your sibling should arrive sometime around December 29th.

Here's an example of how your dad and I can be in the same room, but in different worlds: When the ultrasound tech was waving the magic wand around and talking about the estimated due date, your dad was holding my hand and getting misty-eyed. I was busy thinking, "If it's a girl and she comes near Christmas, we coulda named her Noel, except that was the name of Suzanne Sugarbaker's pig."

...But we don't have to worry about this one turning out to be a girl, because Grandma Sue has already e-mailed me to say, "Oh, he's so cute already! I love him." (emphasis and font color hers).

We'll keep you posted as things progress. In the meantime, you can keep practicing saying "NO, 'AT'S MINE!!" and I can keep kicking myself for not giving this blog a more generic title, like "Yodels to My Young'uns," or just "Y'all Hush."



  1. Congratulations from a random follower in TN!!!!

  2. YAY from a fellow southern blonde who is also preggers! WHEEEE, BABIES!

  3. Congratulations on preparing to bring a little more cute into the world. And I prefer "Y'all hush" if you're taking recommendations.

  4. Congratulations Brooke...I'll tell Mom! As if she already doesn't know. :)

