Thursday, July 7, 2011

Finally, The 4th

Dear Laney,

It was our final fun-packed day at the family fest, and we made the most of it.

Your dad kicked things off right by showing the 11 year-old boys how to set things on fire with a magnifying glass. 1) My deepest apologies go out to the world’s ant population. 2) I hope no one thinks to sue your dad when/if these boys set their mamas’ curtains on fire.

Speaking of that posse, they shot me good and dead at least 78 times today. But like Glenn Close at the end of "Fatal Attraction," I just kept getting back up.

Your dad, Grandma Sue, Uncle Nate and I took you to the local park where you got to sit on an actual toddler-sized airplane while singing, “Flyin’ On An Airplane.” Consider your mind blown.

I would say this was the closest thing you had to an amusement park experience that day, but then Uncle Nate took you for a ride on his homespun Super Hurl-A-Tron.

Back at the house, the wind was picking up, so you thought we should sit in The Baby’s pool and wait for the storm to roll in.

Sometime later that evening, your dad had the brilliant idea that you might be more comfortable if he took your diaper off. It didn’t take too long before he caught you pooping in Grandpa’s garden. My vote was for leaving the evidence and blaming it on a bear, but your dad is sometimes classier than me. Sometimes.



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