Saturday, July 16, 2011


Dear Laney,

It's hard to believe, since you got in trouble today for trying to dart into traffic so you could say hello to a horse, but there was once a time when I thought you would never learn to walk. I was so impatient for you to take your first steps, but once you started, you were running by the end of the very same week. Your developmental pattern seems to include the following steps: Gathering intel, formulating the plan, selecting appropriate personnel and equipment, running all applicable scenarios, and finally, execution.* Then, you're off to the races.

Talking has been no different. Two weeks ago, you had a ten word spoken vocabulary. Sure, you could understand hundreds of words and phrases - heck, I could give you a list of five things I needed from the other room and you'd go collect them - but there wasn't much you'd say on your own. I didn't stress this milestone as much, because your behavior reminded me a lot of myself in high school French. The teacher would speak in long monologues, and I'd nod and say, "Ah, oui."

But just last week, you were once again off and running, this time verbally. For the past few days, you've been all about stringing words together. Today at the park, when you spotted Cedar: "Mom! 'Ere Cedah Is!" In the bathtub: "Mom! More 'oap, 'lease." Regarding Ella: "'At's MY 'og."**

There are times when I swear we're having a conversation and it's so exciting. I can't wait to hear what else you have to say.


* This was actually your dad's response when I asked him to list (for purposes of this joke) the steps to preparing for a special op.

** Nice job, choosing the smart one.

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