Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mom Days

Hey y'all - 

Laney goes to school three days a week, and is home the other two weekdays - she calls these "Mom days," (vs., I guess, school days). It's hard to come up with blog material at the end of a Mom day, because we've usually spent the whole day at home, just hanging out, and what could be more boring than that?

Like today, for example. 

In exchange for an Oreo and an episode of "Strawberry Shortcake," Laney sat still and let me cut her bangs. Here, she examines the results:

There's a lot of pressure involved, because I haven't been to cosmetology school and I used my kitchen scissors and the last thing I need is a quality control check from my two year-old. 

We hung out in the yard most of the afternoon, and I reminded Hagen a few dozen times not to eat the flowers, with varying degrees of success:



I worked on teaching Laney to swing by herself, to no avail. I don't know what I would do with all my free time if Laney ever learned to swing solo. Uncle Nate was working on it last weekend, and I offered to write him a check for some serious cash money if he could teach Laney to swing. It's a non-starter. Like trying to teach me math above the 7th grade level.

Throw in some fingerpainting, a nap, some mac-wee-oni and cheese, a few tantrums, a bath, a disco party in the living room...

...four bedtime stories, and that's a Mom Day. 

Mom days are the explanation for our kitchen's boxed wine bar. 


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