Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Civic Duty

Hey y'all -

Today was the Mineral County Fair in Superior, Montana. The jokes write themselves.

We attended the Fair because our friend Jessie Nichols is running for a House seat in the November election and she was allowed to have a presence in the fair's parade. She wanted a lot of moms and kids and families to walk with her, so we were invited to participate.

The night before the parade, I made a shirt for your dad and one for me:

Your dad said I could make a shirt that read "Veteran," or one that read, "Socialist, Wolf-loving* Forest Service employee," but since we actually want Jessie to win the election, I used my better judgment. Likewise, I didn't paint, "Reality TV Producer From Los Angeles" on mine.

We lined up behind a Margaritaville-themed float from the "CRAZY Class of 1989." Speaking of reality television, here's a rule we always follow when casting a show: A contestant is boring in direct proportion to the number of times they describe themselves as "crazy." The Class of 1989 is an excellent example of that linear relationship. Y'all, they are crazy.


When it was time to start the parade, everyone grabbed a young'un and headed out. 

Mr. Fisher
Laney rode the length of the parade in a bike trailer with Cedar, where she ate the candy we were supposed to throw to people on the parade route.

If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me.

After the parade, we walked through the animal judging room, where I reaffirmed my belief that chickens are crazy, prehistoric-looking things just biding their time til they can avenge centuries of deep-fried deaths.

Best not to look them in the eye.


* Whether or not people should be allowed to hunt wolves is a huge controversy here in Montana. It's our version of the Chick-Fil-A debacle.

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