Friday, September 30, 2016

Piddle Paddle

Hey, y'all - 

Chip stayed with us for the weekend, and it only took Hagen about ten minutes to claim Chip as his own. Whatever game Hagen made up, Chip was going to be on his team.

We decided to take Chip rafting so he'd get a real Montana experience while he was here. Hagen was a little more game than usual for an outdoor adventure, though his choice of wardrobe was a little peculiar. Although, I guess it's not the WORST idea to wear a hard hat and a safety jacket on the river. 

Hagen sat in the back of the raft with his best buddy, Chip, and talked his ear off the whole way about Dragon Puppies (of course) and their cousins the Fire Fish. No idea where he gets this stuff, but Chip is now convinced I need to write a series of children's books about the dragon puppies. "You know it's a parable for interracial children," Chip says. I owe him 15% of the gross now. 

The river is pretty low this time of year, so we actually had to do a lot of steering, and more than once we got caught on the rocks and your dad had to hop out and push us off. He thought it was great fun, but he likes things that are cold and uncomfortable. 

Our friends Correy and Greg came along, and rode in their fishing raft, and spent a lot less time getting themselves unstuck than we did. Their daughter Abby rode in our raft so she could sit with Laney and you two giggled all three miles of our journey. 

Here are the rest of the pictures from the day:

We miss Chip already.


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