Thursday, August 5, 2010

H2Oh My Goodness

Dear Laney,

We had a wet n' wild day today. This morning, we hung out in the backyard, where I filled a bunch of plastic containers with water and brought out your bath toys. You thought this was great fun, until you wanted to see what was at the bottom of one of those tubs of water, and you lifted it up to see...and dumped the entire half gallon of water on your face. It took you a minute to recover from that one.

And we went inside for Bath #1.

This afternoon, I was feeling a little stir crazy, so we took a drive down to the river, where we ran into a big group of French people. I could tell they were French because all six of them were smoking, and it's not 1958. Also, they were speaking French. Then, some locals came by, and we got to meet Angus The Kayaking Dog.

You sat in the river and played with the rocks and played with the rocks and played with the rocks some more. I worry you're going to become a Geologist and all of our family dinners are going to sound like "Granite blah blah Metamorphic blah blah Why isn't Mom listening to us?"

Finally, I can not explain why you seem to think that tossing a rock in the river is the height of hilarity, but these moments were definitely the highlight of my day:

And then I brought you home for Bath #2.

Let's do it all again tomorrow.


P.S. I don't know if you can see the minnows in this container, but they officially make me the first Burbach to catch any fish this summer.

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