Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today's Guest Blogger: Dad!

Dear Laney,

It's possible that the people who read this blog might think that you are an ideal infant, and raising you is a breeze. Ninety something percent of the time, that's true. But occasionally, there are moments - like when you wake up at 3am and refuse to go back to sleep and instead start wailing like you're a back-up singer for AC/DC...or when you pitch a hissy because I closed the dishwasher before you were done throwing all the forks on the ground - when motherhood isn't so peachy. So this afternoon, instead of resorting to yelling or crying or a kicky blend of prescription meds, I treated myself to a Mom's Day Out and went into town solo. Call it a mental health getaway.

While I was running my errands, your dad took you on a little trip with the dogs. You can read his version of the day below.

Love you bunches,

Dear Laney,

Today, you took your dogs for a hike. We went about 2 miles up Wagon Mountain Rd. One day we'll go cross country skiing there, too. Gus and Ella had lots of fun, but they would have liked it better if it was snowing. You tried to say "Gus" a few times - you're finally starting to believe your mom and me when we tell you the dogs aren't both named "Ella." Right now, "Gus" comes out like "Ugh," but we think it still counts.

Your mom doesn't like the truck very much, but you think it's awesome, 'cause you get to sit up front. You laughed and sang the whole time.

I had a great time today, and I hope you did, too.


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