Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jackie Jr.

Dear Laney,

Like most crazy Southern women, I have a "Tupperware" cabinet that is filled with what could loosely be called a "collection" of old Cool Whip and butter containers, lid-less pitchers and assorted Rubbermaid items that other people have left at my house and I refuse to give back because THOSE bowls actually have matching lids.

So today, when you opened this cabinet and reviewed the heaping jumble inside and turned around and gave me the MOST disapproving look (this is how I know you're descended from Granny Jack), I decided it was time to organize the cabinet.

And this is where that "Jackie gene" you inherited came in handy, because not only did you help me sort the lids, you went the extra mile and climbed IN the cabinet to fetch the stuff that's been stuck in the back since the actual Jackie organized this cabinet a year ago during her visit.

I know, I know. You're right - I never should have let it get this messy. I'll try to do better, I promise. I want to be organized, I do.

Now hush up with all the judging and get back to cleaning.


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