Friday, December 2, 2011

Mystery = Solved.

Dear Laney,

This has nothing to do with you, BUT:

I'm a huge fan of Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band. There is something about him I find so appealing, and this morning - while enjoying a bowl of Cheerios and one of his videos - I found myself pondering, "What is it about that guy that's so darn dreamy?"

And then I figured it out:

He basically looks like the third Burbach brother and/or 60% of the male population of Montana.

I can now reassure your dad that I won't be leaving him for a country music star, since I would basically be making a lateral move.

Ladies: If this if your type of dude, might I suggest you pack your belongings and move to Missoula County? You can't swing a dead cat in our Home Depot without hitting one of these jokers.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Um.... Arent I third Burbach brother technically speaking...?

  3. Well, yes, sorry; I was commenting on the two that were *pictured*. Must be present to win! Must be present to win!

  4. Haha. No biggie. Just wanted to keep you on your toes!
