Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stuff Laney's Into This Month

Dear Laney,

Here are the things that you're loving this month:

1) Painting. On everything. When we ask you what you've painted, you always say "A dragon." Sometimes a mean one, sometimes a nice one, sometimes, "a dragon in a circle!" but always a dragon. No idea why.

2. The Octonauts. This is a British animated series originally produced for the BBC. This means that when you tell me you want Octonaut toys for your birthday, I have to research overseas sellers, figure out how much the dollar is worth against the pound, and determine how much I'm willing to spend on the polar bear version of Sean Connery.

The holy grail of Octonaut toys is a replica of their headquarters - The Octopod. This little plastic contraption retails for $120. I s#!t you not.

If you think I'm not trying to figure out how to re-create this with old Cool-Whip containers and PVC remnants, you are wrong. 

3. Showering. You even shampoo your own hair.

4. Lunch. Your school has a special summer activities program, and you get to take swim lessons twice a week, followed by a picnic in the park. You and your schoolmates all walk together to the aquatic center with your lunches.

Mom: Laney, did you walk to the pool today?
Laney: Yeah (eye roll) My class doesn't have a car.

It must be so hard to be a 17 year-old trapped in a 2 year-old's body.

When I ask you what your favorite part of school is, you always say, "Eating my lunch." "But didn't you learn to splash and kick today in the pool?" "Yeah, but lunch was bedder."


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