Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wherever You Go, There You Arrrrrr

Hey y'all -

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I suffer from the freelancer's fear of never working again, so when jobs present themselves, I grab 'em... even if they come three at a time. In case any of my friends or family are sitting around wondering what's become of me, I've been sitting at my dining room table, writing "unscripted programming" pitches. [Note to humanity: Do you think you have a great idea for a reality show? Stop yourself. You don't.]

I've rarely left the house the past few weeks, but for two exceptions. 1) Our quick drive down to the river on Father's Day, and 2) Laney's first big-girl haircut (with lollipop).

Yesterday, both of you kids were lying on the living room floor, watching "Sid the Science Kid." The episode was about computers, and Sid's mom said that sometimes, adults spend too much time with their computers and you have to remind them to turn off their computers so they can play!

Sid's mom is my nemesis.

Laney came over and tapped on my laptop and told me it was time to play. I tried to explain that Sid's mom is a giant yellow hypocrite, because she's a product of Henson Digital Performance System, which means she only exists because some adults spend too much time on their computers.

But it's hard to explain hypocrisy to a toddler, so:

It's one thing to make me miss my deadline, but why do I always have to play Mr. Smee?  

Love y'all more than my paycheck,

P.S. Yes, Clay Mercer, I totally stole the title of this post from an e-mail you sent me that I just found in my junk folder. 

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