Monday, June 11, 2012

Turns Out, We ARE Those People

Dear Laney,

I wouldn't say I have a code that I live by. I don't have a mantra, or even a motto. I know some people are into that "Do unto others.." business, but I consider the day a personal success if I've made it to bedtime without having done any of the 365 activities featured in the page-a-day You Might Be A Redneck calendar.

Today, I failed.

Because if you let a young'un put on a swimsuit for the sole purpose of playing in mud, you might be a redneck. Our neighbor drove by on his four wheeler (having neighbors who visit via four wheeler is probably May 23 on that calendar), and hollered, "Ya goin' for a swim?!?"


As you were splashing in the mud, I asked your dad, "You think this is okay? You don't think there's anything growing in that mud, do you?" "How could there be?" he countered. "That water's probably 40 degrees."

That, my friend, is just good parenting. 


P.S. Thor thought I should title this post, "That One That Gave Peg Peg A Heart Attack."


  1. She is not nekid (??? I am terrible at Southern spelling). If you were truly a redneck, she would be nekid since she is under the age of 7, and in most southern states (or at the very least southern trailer parks), that is acceptable. And she is wearing a coordinating hair accessory. And flip flops. So either you aren't really a redneck or I really am. 'Cause to me, this has class written all over it.

  2. "'Naked' means you ain't got no clothes on. 'Nekkid' means you ain't got no clothes on, and you're up to something." -Lewis Grizzard.

    Fellow reader Clay Mercer of Vienna, GA sent me an e-mail agreeing that this activity doesn't qualify as redneck, because I didn't get out the hose and MAKE the mud puddle just so my young'un would have somewhere to play. I simply took advantage of a PRE-EXISTING mud puddle.

    I have the classiest readership.
