Monday, March 4, 2013

You Just Never Know

Hey y'all -

Here's what I'm learning about having two children: If you buy Child A an item, Child B will be the one to want to play with it. Doesn't matter if it's completely age-inappropriate. Last week, I bought Laney some Crayola bath crayons - crayons that are made of soap and can be used to color on the side of the tub. Laney thought they were just okay, but Hagen LOVED them. He used every color in the pack, and went all the way around the tub.

The child already loved the bathtub, but now it's just hours of crayon mayhem in there. 

You always hear successful people say, "My mother encouraged me from the start..." but how did Gladys know to buy Elvis that guitar? I guess like this:

Today, when Laney asked me if she could paint, I thought, "Hagen really seems to like drawing with crayons. And writing with chalk on our chalkboard. What's the worst that could happen if I let him paint? I end up wiping paint off his tongue? Eh, no big deal." So I put him in his high chair and pushed him up to the table and gave him the same brush and paint tray that I gave Laney. 

And y'all, it was amazing. Like a duck to water and all that. He knew just how to dip the brush in the paint, just how to put it on the paper, and (the biggest miracle) he never once put it in his mouth. 

Halfway through, he noticed that if you used the paint jar itself, it made a really cool round stamp.

While Hagen seems to be a budding visual artist, Laney's more into performance art, using her body as her canvas.

Let's hope she grows out of that phase now instead of waiting til she's in college, because those people are just insufferable at parties. 

You make my life so very very colorful.


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