Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jessie's Kids

Hey y'all -

Yesterday, we went to the Frenchtown Family Festival, a campaign event for Jessie. It was a Community Potluck, so everyone had to bring a covered dish and at least one young'un. If we could somehow get suffrage for the under-five set, Jessie would have this election in the bag.

Laney had a great time running around and jumping with the other girls...

...while Hagen took an opportunity to discuss all of his issues with the candidate herself.

Speak to me about turning this carrot I'm holding into a graham cracker. 

Your dad led a game of Duck, Duck, Goose, which was great fun to watch, because the kids always picked the old goose. Your dad ran around in circles until I thought he was going to collapse.

He chose The Other Brooke to be his goose, maybe thinking that he could outrun her. But she was too smart to actually get up and run in a circle. She just grabbed his ankle and clotheslined him, making her my favorite evil genius.

Laney missed her nap, then ran non-stop at the party for almost four hours. By the time things were winding down, she was tired, dirty and ornery. We packed up and left, and had just made it out of the parking lot when we turned around and saw this:

I don't know how you found that pacifier, but somehow it all came together for a Keith-Richards-After-Rocking-Wembley look, as played by a 3 yr old girl.

And not just anyone can pull that off.


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