Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Crossley Recap

Hey y'all -

We had quite the visit with Karen and Sam. On Tuesday, we went to the indoor swim park, where Karen's wallet and iPhone were stolen. We lost that afternoon to police reports and phone calls to credit card companies. Karen took it like a champ, though, and we forged ahead with our fun vacation.

On Wednesday, Peg Peg called me and asked, "What's going on with the blog?" because I had missed a day and a half. Allow me to say that when I was a child, my parents would occasionally take photos of me at special occasions (back when you had to remember to buy film, wind it in the camera correctly, and get the pictures developed at the local drug store). Then, they would occasionally send copies of these photos to my grandparents. They certainly weren't taking dozens of photos of me every day and posting them along with a few pithy paragraphs about the day's events.

But back to Karen and Sam. This is what kept Karen (who is expecting baby #2 sometime in September) and me so busy for a week:

We played in the yard, we refereed a hundred stupid fights over the yellow swing (which, in every way, is identical to the red swing), we went to the pond, we threw rocks in the creek, we rode the carousel, we hit the playground, we drove the tractor, we supervised bath time, we grilled out, we played with the dogs, we painted, we gardened, etc etc... until we passed out from exhaustion every night at 9p. 

Saying goodbye to Karen and Sam, and watching them get in line at airport security, I took a moment to thank the Lord for two things: 1) That Karen remains my best friend through thick and thin, and 2) That I didn't have twins.


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