Friday, May 11, 2012

Seis De Mayo

Hey y'all -

We had planned to invite over a big group of our friends for a rollicking Cinco De Mayo party...not so much because I care about how, once upon a time, the Mexicans beat the French in some battle for something-or-other, but more because I really, really like tacos.  We ended up having to postpone the party for a day because it was threatening to snow. I'm sure there are some Mexican soldiers rolling in their graves at the thought of a bunch of gringo Montanans co-opting their culture, but have I mentioned that I really like tacos? If the residents of Guadalajara want to get together and eat pork rinds and chase a greased pig and do some cloggin' and wrap it all up with some illegal fireworks, my feelings will not be hurt.

Anyhoo, Seis de Mayo was perfectly lovely, and we had a grill-out with Tracy and her kids, Grandma Sue, Brooke and Todd and their kids, and Steve and Karin and THEIR kids - All told: 8 adults and 10 kids. "We coulda filled the back room of the Shoney's," as Philip would say.

Between getting the food ready and trying to make sure that no one took a header off the swingset (FYI: 10 kids is a lot, and I don't know how that Duggar woman does it x 2), I was far too busy for most of the party to even think about picking up my camera. Thanks to Barnibbe Photography for picking up the slack, and for sharing the following beautiful photos:

And a few that I found on my camera this morning, that I completely forgot I took (I'm was a sleep-deprived woman at a party with a 5-gallon drum of margaritas; what do you want from me?)

Happy Seis De Mayo, Everyone.

Ole, and all that jazz.


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