Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Bloggers

To the mothers:

I have been a mom now for 33 months. In the big scheme of things, I am the rankest of amateurs. As Laney was prattling on last night, asking me whether or not a specific rock belonged in her collection*, I found myself looking at Thor and saying, "Can you believe we made a PERSON?!?" You would think I would be used to this concept by now. But, no.

I go to bed every night wondering if I was a good mother that day: Are my children healthy and happy? Did I help them become kind and giving? Did I expand their world view? Or, did I let them watch too much television and eat nothing but cheese? Eh, a lot of Column A, a little of Column B.

When I get it wrong, the mistakes are my own, but when I get it right, it's because I'm standing on the shoulders of all the mothers who have gone before me.

These are the women who shaped my childhood, who helped my husband become the man he is today,  and who taught us both how to love our children unconditionally:

I want to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day, but I also want you to know that on the other 364 days of the year, you are an inspiration to me - even those of you who are no longer with us.

Because you taught Thor and me the meaning of family, the value of an education, and the importance of self-respect, we're able to pass those things on to our children. When I'm holding my crying baby or clapping for a successful trip to the potty or chasing away bedtime monsters, I take comfort in knowing that I'm just the most recent link to a long chain of mothers who loved their children just as much as I love mine. And it makes me so, so proud to consider myself one of you.

Thank you. Thank you.


* It's not so much a "collection" as two pieces of driveway gravel that she wants to keep on the dining room table.


  1. I actually thought about offering that once. "After all," I thought, "It's not like the stuff on their blog has to be TRUE. No one in Montana will know if that hurricane didn't really happen." But then I realized that even thinking it through made me a crazy person.
