Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Basement Project Continues

Dear Laney,

As I mentioned before, your dad and I had the wild idea to turn the dark, damp, dirt-floored hole in the ground under our bathroom our basement into an organized storage area.

And here's our progress thus far:

Next steps: drywall for the ceiling, installing a light fixture and trimming the floor.

But so far, we're extremely happy with the progress.


P.S. Yes, your dad does own a wetsuit. No, I don't know why. Why yes, this does look like an REI franchise. If we ever run into serious money trouble, I'm going to come down here and ebay all this crap gear while you're dad's not looking. Indeed, that is a Rubbermaid tub labeled "Peg Peg's Wardrobe." I don't know; you'd have to ask her.

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