Friday, January 21, 2011

Wildlife Crossing

Dear Laney,

With all of the snow melting in our neighborhood, a lot of animals have been stopping by to visit. We saw this lady on our ride home from daycare last week:

...And then we saw these girls on our way home from town today. I pulled up next to them in the Subaru (or, as your dad calls it, the "Super-Ooh") and took this photo through the sunroof. Actually, I pulled up next to them, hunted around in the car for a camera, rolled down the window, opened the sunroof, and spend about 14 minutes trying to figure out how to focus your dad's camera.

I took about 72 photos of these dang deer - who were happy to stand there silently mocking me as I took one worthless photo after another.

I can't shoot deer with a camera, and your dad can't shoot them with a gun. Hell, they might as well move into our front yard and call it a day.


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