Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Field Trip

Dear Laney,

Sometimes I worry that I'm the woman behind the world's most repetitive blog: Rocks. Library. Walmart. Dogs. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Maybe I'll start writing completely fabricated entries, like about that one time we ran into Lady Gaga at the feed store. Or maybe we'll just mix it up and start going to Target.

In the meantime, today's adventure was all about rocks. We loaded up the family and the dogs and went for a hike on the Big Horn Sheep Interpretive Trail. The entire trail was composed of crumbled rock, so for you it was "Wow" to the nth degree.

Here's what stood out to me about this hike: Our dogs were extremely well-behaved. We rarely let them run willy-nilly, because sled dogs have a tendency to start running and forget to stop, until they're lassoed by a nice Canadian Mountie. For years, they have acted like complete idiots when your dad and I would take them on outings. But today they both got to run off-leash, and never got farther away from us than this:

I finally figured out that while they'd be perfectly at peace with ME getting eaten by a bear, it would ruffle their fur a little if YOU were to get mauled on their watch. So for any readers out there wondering how to get your huskies to hang around more, the answer is simple: have a toddler. It's such an economical solution to your problem.

At the end of our hike, we took some time for you to throw rocks into the creek from the footbridge...and for me to hike out into the middle of the creek to take pictures of you throwing rocks.

I love it when you're having such a good time that you applaud yourself.


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